Office of Outreach and Student Life
Student Email Address
All students in order to access Canvas/Online classes must obtain a "WVM" student email address.
Areas We Oversee
- Associated Student Government
- Saint Squad
- Inter-Club Council and campus organizations via
- Info Desk
- Student ID cards
- Staff and Faculty ID cards
- VTA Smart Pass
- Quiet Room
- Club Room
- Game Room
- Lounge
- Conference Room Reservations
- Equipment Rentals (pool cues, air hockey puck and paddles, etc.)
- Flyer Posting
- Free Speech Area
- Commencement
- ATM (Available at 1st floor Campus Center)
- GoPrint stations (Available at 1st floor Campus Center, 1st floor SEC building - next to KJ's Cafe, 2nd floor SEC building)
- GoPrint stations (Available at 1st floor Campus Center, 1st floor SEC building - next to KJ's Cafe, 2nd floor SEC building)
- School Supplies Vending Machine (Available at 1st floor Gilmor Building.)
Civic Engagement and Voter Empowerment
Participate in civic engagement programs and activities, including voter registration.What Student Activities Oversees
- SAO 1: ASG, Campus Clubs, Faculty, Staff and Students of Mission College will be provided with orientation like training such as parliamentary procedures, student leadership and financial management each semester.
- SAO 2: The ASG and campus clubs will be presented with several training workshops each semester to understand Parliamentary procedures.
- SAO 3: The Office of Student Activities shall provide quality customer service to the Mission College community and general public.

Civic and Voter Empowerment