MESA Program
Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement
Welcome to the MESA Program at Mission College! The Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) Program accepts applications for the first three weeks of each semester.
What is MESA?
Born out of the civil rights movement, the Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) Program is a state-funded learning community built to support educationally and economically disadvantaged students in the STEM Transfer Pipeline.
The MESA Community College Program supports a diverse population of transfer-ready students to advance their STEM educational journeys in four-year university programs and beyond.
MESA students are STEM transfer-pathway community college students in Calculus-based science, engineering, math, and computer science majors. MESA students qualify for need-based financial aid, and will be the first in their families to receive a bachelor's degree from any country. DREAMers are welcome!
MESA Services
MESA students receive wraparound services to help them become tomorrow's doctors, engineers, scientists and mathematicians. If you're interested, apply today!
- MESA Study Center.
- Free printing, school supplies, and a lending library for your STEM textbooks.
- Tutoring, Study Groups, and Academic Excellence Workshops.
- Mentorship and Summer Research Opportunities.
- Counseling, Transfer, and Career Assistance.
- Leadership and Professional development.
- STEM Competitions and Conferences.
- Peer-to-peer and alumni network.
- And more...
MESA Contract
Admitted MESA and Friends of MESA students are required to
- Attend a MESA Welcome Meeting (by appointment).
- Attend the MESA Orientation.
- Meet with the MESA Counselor each semester.
- Have an up to date Ed Plan for a calculus-based STEM transfer major.
- Continue taking 6+ units per semester towards Ed Plan.
- Attend two or more MESA events per semester.
- Stay in touch--we're here to help!
MESA Partnerships
MESA CCP is a partnership with the California Community College Chancellor's Office and the University of California Office of the President. The Mission College MESA program also has external partnerships with Stanford, San Jose State University, UC Santa Cruz, UC Davis, and the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineers (ISPE).
MESA provides support to community college students, on and off campus, who are majoring in math, engineering, and science so they can excel academically, transfer to four-year institutions, and become tomorrow's doctors, engineers, and scientists.
Service Area Outcomes
- SAO 1: MESA students will meet program requirements by attending a minimum of one (1) MESA event each semester.
- SAO 2: MESA students will complete a comprehensive Educational Plan within their first year.