What is a Prerequisite?
A prerequisite is a class or skill that is required before you can enroll into another class. For example, ENG 001A is a prerequisite for ENG 001B. This means you need a grade of “P” or "C" or better in ENG 001A to enter ENG 001B.
College Catalog
Prerequisites for each course can be found in the Mission College Catalog at catalog.missioncollege.edu or by selecting View Catalog Entry in the course search.
For help with your WVM email, go to the Portal information page or contact the Welcome Center by clicking on the chat button this screen. The Welcome Center Ambassadors speak many languages and can help you.
Clearance of a prerequisite requires documentation that verifies previous course completion or skill level attained to register for a specific course. A "C" or better grade is required to clear most prerequistes.
Unofficial transcripts/documents used to for clearing prerequistes are not kept on file at the college.
Before Submitting Your Prerequisite Clearance Form
- When submitting transcripts, please make sure your file(s) show your name and the school name, or it will require additional time to process. Processing can take up to 48 - 72 business hours after initial submission.
- In-progress college coursework can only be used to clear prerequisites for fall and spring semesters. Once the prerequisite class is completed, a final unofficial transcript showing the course and grade to clear the prerequisite needs to be emailed to the Assessment Office at least two weeks before the semester starts in order to prevent the student from being dropped due to not completing the prerequisite. In-progress coursework will not be accepted to clear prerequisites for winter or summer registration.
- This form will only clear you for Mission College courses. If you wish to take a West Valley course, you will need to contact West Valley College.
- You will be emailed responses of your evaluation to mywvm.wvm.edu email and/or personal email you provide in the form. For help with your WVM email, go to the Portal information page, or contact the Welcome Center. The Welcome Center Ambassadors speak many languages and can help you.
- Approved submissions will only clear you for enrollment in the course for which the prerequisite course is needed. To gain transfer credit for external coursework or AP/CLEP exams, you must also submit official documentation to the Admissions and Records Office.
- Visit External Credit for more information about the use of external coursework and exams.
Methods to Clear Prerequisites
High School Coursework
Appropriate high school coursework can clear some prerequisite courses. See more information about what high school courses can clear prerequisite courses.Coursework Taken at Other Colleges
A course taken at another college which is equivalent to the Mission College prerequisite course for a course you wish to enroll in, may be used to clear the prerequisite.
If you believe you have taken a course equivalent to the Mission College course which serves as a prerequisite, upload your unofficial transcript into the form. If the course is not on our pre-approved course equivalency lists, your submission will be sent forward to the appropriate academic department for further review.
In progress coursework from other colleges cannot be used to clear prerequisites
AP/CLEP Exam Credit
If you have exam scores for which you will be awarded credit for a prerequisite class, you may upload your exam score record to have the prerequisite cleared. See more information on what courses can be cleared and the necessary test scores to clear them.Knowledge or Skills Acquired through Alternate Means
A student who believes they have acquired the knowledge or skills of the prerequisite course through means other than an equivalent course or an exam, can submit explanation and/or documentation for consideration of a waiver of the prerequisite course.Your submission will be forwarded to the appropriate academic department for review.