How to Survive Finals Week
1. Say No to Cramming!
Spread your studying out and make sure to take breaks. It will help retain the information and not overwhelm you
2. Make a Study Guide
Whether it be flash cards, a practice test or re-writing your notes. Gather all your information for the class in one place to stay organized.
3. Ask Questions
Your professors and TA’s are there to help! Ask them questions regarding the material and the exam so that you’re prepared when exam time arrives.
4. Relax Post Exam
Don’t let panic overwhelm you. Even if you think you bombed the exam, worrying will not change your score. It may, however, affect your mindset for your next final. Zone out the last test and stay focused on the next one. Odds are, you didn’t do as badly as you think
5. Organize a Group Study Session
It can be helpful to study in groups. Evaluate whether or not studying with others will be beneficial to the subject as well at your learning process.
6. Create a master to-do list and a schedule for the remaining days in the semester.
Break cumulative exams into smaller study units, which will prevent you from feeling
overwhelmed and help
you monitor your progress daily.
7. Identify the format of the exam.
Vary your study technique according to the type of exam.
8. Meet with the professor, a tutor or a learning specialist if needed.
Your professor can help guide you on what
to study and answer any of your questions.
9. Study in a distraction-reduced environment.
Turn off your cell phone, TV and email notifications.
10. Explain it out loud.
Go into an empty classroom and pretend to teach the material to someone. Using your
own words helps you
assess your comprehension, which ultimately aids your memory.
11. Take short breaks.
Your brain can process a limited amount of information and benefits from some rest.
Study Resources
Mission College Library
STEM Learning Center
Science Building, First Floor
Services offered:
- MESA tutoring.
- Group study spaces.
- Computers with STEM software.
- STEM Reference Materials.
Academic Support Center
Tutoring Center: All College Tutoring Services (first floor SEC 154)
- Tutors for most Mission College courses.
- Drop-in, appointment, and/or group tutoring.
- Embedded Tutoring.
Open Computer Lab/Study Center (SEC 154)
- Computers (PC & Mac) and specialized software for courses.
- Printing and scanning.
- Resources (text and digital) for completing assignments.
- Open study area.