CalPASS Plus – Official website for the state partnership between K-12 and the community colleges.
You will need to request a login for this.
LaunchBoard: statewide data system that provides data on progress, success, employment, and earnings
outcomes for CA community college students, including:
CTE Outcomes Survey - Information collected by Sana Rosa Junior College to assess employment outcomes
for students participating in career technical education coursework at the California
Community Colleges
MIS Data Element Dictionary - Describes the specifications and codes tied the Management Information System (MIS)
CSU and UC Data Resources
UC enrollments by source school - Number of CA Community College students transferring to UC Campuses disaggregated
by Community College
UC Transfers by Major - Number of transfers from CA Community Colleges disaggregated by campus, major,
and year.
UC Admissions by source school - Number of Applications/Admissions from CA Community Colleges disaggregated by ethnicity,
gender, and GPA
CSU data dashboards -These dashboards provide data about applications and enrollment, graduation and
student success, labor market outcomes, and teaching credentials.
CSU reports and analytics - For summary enrollment, retention and graduation and graduate earnings information,
view our dashboards. Student enrollment and completion data is also available as Excel
Other Important Data Resources
DataQuest - California Department of Education-K-12 Demographic Data: The source of performance
and demographic information about the K-12 system. Information is available at state,
county, district, and school levels.
College Scorecard - Search and compare colleges: their fields of study, costs, admissions, results,
and more.
Research and Planning Group (The RP Group) - provides leadership in research, analysis, and planning issues for the California
Community Colleges. The RP Group provides news, assistance, resources, and networking
opportunities for researchers.
Silicon Valley Indicators: Comprehensive information and data about the economic and community health of Silicon
U.S. Census Bureau - An encyclopedic source of economic, demographic, and geographic data at the local,
county, state, and national levels
LMI Data- This site has a wide variety of labor market and economic data which covers many
important labor market subject areas such as, unemployment and labor force, economic
indicators, industries, occupations, wages, employment projections etc.
U.S. Department of Education College Scorecard - Search, download and compare data on fields of study, costs, graduation, retention,
campus diversity, test scores & acceptance, student completion, debt and repayment,
earnings, and more.