Jared So'oto Rising Scholar Program

Jared So'oto Rising Scholars Success Story
Before Elmwood jail, I I really didn't have a path. I was just stuck, but I've been in food and beverage since I graduated high school and that was in 1995. I was just plugging along, although I always wished that I went back to school. I also worked in entertainment, and was in choir enjoying using my natural musical talent.
In terms of school, I did well when I was interested in the subject matter. For example, I excelled in physical education (or anything athletic), music, or food. However, when it came to math or history, I struggled. Right now, I’m so excited because my GPA is at 95%.
Being in Elmwood is a dark experience - I was at the end of my rope and someone invited me to a class because he and I were talking about food and beverage. He said, “forget taking a nap all day, come learn some of this stuff!”. It was offered through the Rising Scholars program.
When I got to class, the tangible information helped me to put my wold into focus. The way Professor Eve explained everything, and the style of her teaching brought me hope. Before I started the class, I would wake up, go bck to sleep, eat, go back to sleep…I was full of depression.

I don't know how to put it in words, but you all came and saved my life. I was thinking about ending it, and (Mission) gave me this spark … prior to all this, I did say a prayer when I was in jail, and I just asked for some type of sign to help me find my purpose or how I can be of service or just be better, and here we are.
Jared So'oto
Rising Scholar Program Participant

It was only an eight-week class, but after I started it, I immediately started working out that day. I organized my little area - a spark of life came back to me. I had a purpose like, I found something I was blessed with that really helped me feel that feel alive again. The information I was learning made me feel like I was giving back to the community for the crime that I did.
My life changed, I started working out every day and I started to actually help other people in the class. This made me feel better about myself. It was almost like I won the lottery, my brain switched from dead to Alive you know just because of the just because of the outlet that I had twice a week for three hours a day. I got a haircut and started shaving, and even learned to play chess. The inspiration that I was getting from the information let me build myself from the inside out.
After Elmwood Prison
After I was released from Elmwood, I was education-hungry. I was seeking ways to find my way to Mission College. I was on campus and there was a job fair, I was strolling around and I and I saw Steve Duong from the Rising Scholars program and Professor Eve. I was like a lost dog, and I fell at home again.
The information that I gained from that that one introductory class in Hospitality opened up my eyes and heart. Mission came in and found me in this dungeon and was like "hey here's some information that you may or may not like".
Other schools were a few bus stops closer to me, but it was because of the connection I built with Ms. Eve that made me willing to to continue at Mission. I don't know how to put it in words but y'all came and saved my life, by teaching me stuff that I already know I love to do. That's the only way that I can explain it.
My advice for other students is to surround yourself with communities and people that want to see you succeed. That's what I've tried to do here at Mission.
About Rising Scholars
The Rising Scholars Program is dedicated to providing incarcerated and formerly incarcerated students in the South Bay/Bay Area with continuing higher education opportunities, allowing them to redirect their lives and reach their full poential in the community.
Serving Second Chance Students
Mission College is a proud supporter of the Santa Clara County Office of the Sheriff College Collaborative mission towards a second chance serving students in the Elmwood Correctional Facility, Main Jail, and Reentry Resource Center upon release and transitioning onto campus.