ken Kehmna
Retired Fire Chief - Santa Clara County
Fire Technology & EMT
I began attending Mission College while still in high school and my dream was to become a firefighter. I distinctly remember my instructors supportively walking alongside me on my journey to attain an A.S. Degree in Fire Science. After graduation, I continued my education and earned a Master’s Degree in Executive Fire Service Leadership. My foundation of success came from my Mission College. The faculty, as well as my peers, felt like a community of support and much like a second family.
- A.S. in Fire Technology
- Mission College
- Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration
- St. Mary’s College in 1999
- Master’s in Executive Fire Service Leadership
- Grand Canyon University.
Select Positions Held
- Fire Captain (2000-2004)
- Training Captain (2004-2005)
- Battalion Chief (2005-2007)
- Fire Chief for the Santa Clara County Fire Department (2011-2018)