Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS)

Welcome Center Ambassadors walk together. In the front of the group are two young women, both with dark hair. One has a bright floral shirt.

About DSPS

The Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS) provides accommodations and services to students with documented physical, psychological, and learning disabilities to participate in all aspects of the college community.

Students with disabilities must self-identify and request services from DSPS for services to be initiated.

DSPS Mission Statement

Reasonable accommodations, when eligible, are provided to minimize the effects of your disability and maximize your potential success. Our goal is to support the college student with a disability to enter campus life, its programs and activities, both on campus and through distance education. 

Read further for information on how to apply, how to use your accommodations, and more! If you have any questions or need any assistance you can reach out to us by calling (408) 855-5085 or emailing us at [email protected].

New DSPS Students - How to Apply

We are excited about your interest in DSPS at Mission College!  Please complete the following steps to apply for DSPS Services.   

  • Apply to Mission College: Visit Become a Student for important information on applying to the college.
  • Complete the DSPS Application. You will need your student ID to complete this application. Student Portal Log in and Student ID information can be found here. For more instructions on how to apply to DSPS, check out the following video for instructions.

  • Gather all Disability Verification Documentation.
  • Please see the below section for more details on disability verification. Students must submit all necessary information and documentation before scheduling a DSPS counseling appointment (see nexty step).
  • Upload your verification to your online DSPS application or send it directly to DSPS. Note that if you are unable to upload documentation when you apply, click "Upload Later" for your application to be submitted.
  • For assistance, please call (408) 855-5085 or email    
Schedule a DSPS Counseling or Advising Appointment
  • After all the above steps are completed, your application and documents will be reviewed.
  • Once a review is completed a DSPS staff member will contact you within one to two business days to schedule an intake appointment with a DSPS counselor or advisor.
  • If you do not hear from our office, please call (408) 855-5085 to check on the status of your application.
DSPS Eligibility

Disability Verification form

Students receiving services through DSPS must have a qualifying condition that is verified and is determined to result in an educational limitation by appropriate DSPS professional staff.

Mission College uses disability verification for the purpose of determining a student's eligibility to receive authorized special services provided by Disability Support Programs & Services.

The definitions here are per the State of California Administration Code, Title 5, Section 56032 to 56044. Title 5 Regulations, Section 56006.

Eligible disabilities include Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), deaf and hard of hearing, autism spectrum, learning disability, blind and low vision, acquired brain injury, mental health, intellectual, physical disability, and any other disabilities which limit one or more major life activities, and which imposes an educational limitation (Title 5 Regulations, Section 56032-56044, 56002).

Verification Documentation Examples:
  • Examples of disability verification documentation: IEP, 504 Plan, LD Testing, Audiology Reports, Reports from a Hospital, Medical Professional, Veteran’s Hospital, and/or medical diagnosis sheet, etc.
  • Students may not need to submit disability documentation if the disability can be verified by observation by certified DSPS staff (e.g., wheelchair user, etc.).
  • Students who have temporary or permanent disabilities that affect academic performance may be eligible for support services.
  • You can also use our MC Disability Verification Form.

If you have any questions about DSPS eligibility, please call DSPS at (408) 855-5085.

Justin Genevro

I used all resources that the school offered including DSPS, Writing Center, CASA (which is like counseling), One Stop (combination of admission and financial aid), and the personal interaction with the teachers. I transferred, earning my bachelor's and master's degrees in History.

Justin Genevro

Benefited from DSPS as Student

Read His Story
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