Associate Faculty (Anthropology)

Nick Barron Headshot

Nick Barron

Associate Faculty (Anthropology)
[email protected]

School of People, Culture, Society 


  • PhD, Anthropology, University of New Mexico
  • MA, Anthropology, University of New Mexico
  • BA, Anthropology, Summa Cum Laude, University of California, Santa Cruz  
  • General Education, West Valley College

Courses Taught

  • ANT 001 - Physical Anthropology 
  • ANT 003 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 

Research Interests

I am a historical anthropologist who studies the relationship between applied anthropology, Indigenous politics, and imperialism in the North America.

Recent Publications

Barron, Nicholas. [Forthcoming] “‘We hope that you will continue to teach us how best to learn’: Assembling the Pascua Yaqui Tribe at the 89th Wenner-Gren International Symposium.” Histories of Anthropology Annual.

Barron, Nicholas. 2020. “Renegades or Liberals? Recent Reflections on the Boasian Legacies in American Anthropology.” History of Human Sciences.

Barron, Nicholas. 2020 Review of Savages, Romans, and Despots: Thinking about Others from Montaigne to Herder, by Robert Launay. History of Anthropology Review.

Barron, Nicholas. 2019. “Assembling ‘Enduring Peoples,’ Mediating Recognition: Anthropology, the Pascua Yaqui Indians, and the Co-Construction of Ideas and Politics.” History and Anthropology.

Barron, Nicholas. 2019. Review of Dynamics of Difference in Australia: Indigenous Past and Present in a Settler County, by Francesca Merlan. Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale 27(4).

Barron, Nicholas. 2019. Review of Empire’s Tracks: Indigenous Nations, Chinese Workers, and the Transcontinental Railroad, by Manu Karuka. London School of Economics Review of Books.

Fast Facts

I enjoy watching reruns of sitcoms and horror films with my partner, sifting through used albums at record stores in search of punk LPs and EPs, and baking.  

Favorite Quote

"The system has failed you
Don't fail yourself" - Billy Bragg