Nursing Department Secures $119,210 Grant to Address Critical Shortage of Registered Nurses

Nursing students at graduation ceremony
The Summer Cohort of Nursing Assistants was celebrated at the Pinning Ceremony on Monday, July 31. Nursing Assistants play a crucial role in providing direct care in various healthcare settings, leaving a positive impact on the lives of many patients.


SANTA CLARA, CA - August 19, 2023 – As the demand for registered nurses in California continues to surge, Mission College's Nursing Department has taken a significant step toward addressing this pressing need. The department has been awarded a substantial grant of $119,210 to strengthen its efforts in producing highly qualified nursing candidates.

The FY 2023-24 Nursing Enrollment and Retention program grant funding was awarded by the state Chancellor's Office Workforce and Economic Development Division. This grant aims to enhance nursing program cohorts, address attrition rates, and foster program completion. Grant allocations are determined based on data. To be eligible for the funding, colleges must meet specific criteria, including reducing attrition rates to 15 percent, increasing program completion rates, and expanding nursing program enrollment. 

"The funding we've received will further strengthen our nursing program's capacity, ensure a higher retention rate, and equip our students with the knowledge and skills they need to excel in their nursing careers," Mission College President Dr. Seher Awan said.

Mission’s commitment to providing comprehensive and dynamic healthcare education to aspiring nursing professionals is evident through its diverse range of programs. 

The Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) to Registered Nurse (RN) program presents licensed vocational nurses with the opportunity to advance their careers by becoming registered nurses. This innovative program serves as a bridge between practical nursing skills and advanced clinical knowledge, equipping students to confidently handle complex patient care responsibilities. 

LVN to RN, Vocational Nursing, and Nursing Assistant Programs, Mission College facilitates nursing degree programs in Santa Clara, California.

For individuals looking to enter the nursing field, the Vocational Nursing program offers a solid foundation in patient care and medical practices. Within this program, students acquire essential nursing skills, healthcare ethics, and effective communication techniques crucial for delivering safe and efficient patient care. 

Mission’s Nursing Assistant program focuses on fundamental caregiving skills, including basic patient hygiene, mobility assistance, and patient interaction techniques. Through a combination of classroom instruction and practical training, students gain the knowledge and confidence to provide essential support to registered nurses and other healthcare professionals. 

"Our nursing programs stand as a testament to our commitment to producing highly skilled and compassionate healthcare professionals,” said Roy Vazquez, Mission’s Interim Dean of Public Safety, Health and Wellness. “With a focus on equipping students with the practical and theoretical tools needed for success in the ever-evolving healthcare landscape, our nursing department prepares graduates to make a meaningful impact in patient care." 

Benjamin Demers
Director of Marketing and Public Relations 
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